Usage Examples

Below are some example scripts showing how to use the framework to interact with remote devices

Display running config using SSH

from CiscoAutomationFramework import CAF

# credentials for remote device
ip = ''
username = 'user4'
password = 'password1'
enable_password = 'myenablePassword1'

# log into device and capture the running config
with CAF('ssh' ip, username, password, enable_password) as ssh:
    running_config = ssh.show_run()

# print running config

List the number of ports on a device using SSH

from CiscoAutomationFramework import CAF

# credentials for remote device
ip = ''
username = 'user4'
password = 'password1'
enable_password = 'myenablePassword1'

# log into device and capture the running config
with CAF('ssh' ip, username, password, enable_password) as ssh:
    hostname = ssh.hostname
    port_inv = ssh.physical_port_inventory_longname()

# print running config
print('Device {} has a total of {} ports'.format(hostname, len(port_inv)))

List running config of a device using serial interface

from CiscoAutomationFramework import CAF

# credentials for remote device
interface = 'COM4'
username = 'user4'
password = 'password1'
enable_password = 'myenablePassword1'

# log into device and capture the running config
with CAF('serial' interface, username, password, enable_password) as serial:
    running_config = serial.show_run()

# print running config